Profile PictureThe Unchained Creative

Hello! I mentor in feminine fulfilment and creative nourisment - creating resources and writing for feminine energy women and female creatives. I'm a fan of of what I call 'moreish micro-learning' - the ability to take in educational material in an environment and manner that suits you and your lifestyle, and that is presented in a way that feels like it has breath running through it. With moreish micro-learning it feels enjoyable to interact with the material whether it's a blog post, course or workshop - it's creative, meaningful, fulfilling. It's also expresses a lot for the least amount of your time possible. You feel seen and heard, you gain practical insights, and you can see easy next steps to living what you've learnt and can anticipate unfolding new results. You might even have a laugh 🤫 Rather than leaving you feeling drained, overwhelmed or clobbered over the head as you might do if you had to slog through 215 miles of content on the-conveyor-belt-of-doing in order to reach 'the end', moreish micro-learning leaves you clear-headed and wanting more. Long may it continue! Follow me for updates on what I'm creating 🎉 “She followed slowly, taking a long time, As though there were some obstacles in the way; And yet: as though, once it was overcome, She would be beyond all walking, and would fly.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke